
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Goal-oriented therapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors, aiming to promote healthier and more adaptive ways of thinking and coping with various emotional and psychological challenges. By focusing on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions, CBT empowers individuals to develop effective strategies for managing distress and achieving lasting positive changes in their lives.

Behavioral Therapy

Comprehensive therapeutic method that combines cognitive and behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. Originally developed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder, DBT helps people build emotional regulation skills, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and mindfulness, fostering a balanced and resilient approach to managing intense emotions and improving relationships.

Expert Witness Testimony

Presentation of specialized knowledge and professional opinions in legal proceedings, providing valuable insights that aid judges and juries in understanding complex subjects relevant to the case. Objective analysis and interpretation offered to assist the court in reaching well-informed decisions.

Medication Management

Ongoing process of prescribing, monitoring, and adjusting medications to treat mental health disorders. This personalized approach involves collaborating with the patients’ providers to ensure the most effective medication regimen, while also addressing potential side effects and optimizing the overall well-being of the individual receiving treatment.

Collaborative and client-centered process that supports individuals with disabilities or health challenges in achieving personal, social, and vocational goals. Rehabilitation counselors use a combination of assessment, counseling techniques, and guidance to empower their clients, helping them navigate barriers and develop skills that enhance their independence, well-being, and successful integration into society.

Rehabilitation Counseling

Second Opinions

An evaluation to confirm or challenge the initial diagnosis, treatment plan, or disability determination related to their work- related injury or illness. This additional medical perspective can provide a more comprehensive assessment and help ensure fair and accurate outcomes in the workers’ compensation claim process.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Clearance

Psychiatric evaluation used  to determine the appropriateness of a spinal cord stimulator as a treatment option for a worker’s compensable psychological condition. This evaluation assesses the potential benefits and risks of the treatment, aiming to establish whether the use of a spinal cord stimulator can alleviate the individual’s psychological symptoms resulting from a work-related injury or trauma.

Trauma Informed Therapy

An approach that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma on individuals and structures therapy around promoting safety, trust, and empowerment. It involves understanding and addressing the effects of trauma on emotional and psychological well-being while fostering a collaborative and sensitive therapeutic environment that supports healing and resilience.